Frankenstein's Bride
Mary Shelley was 18 when she conceived of her story "Frankenstein." This book is a portrait of her psychological state of mind when she wrote her famous novel, and the influences on her of her poet husband Percy Shelley and their friend Lord Byron, whose flamboyant and scandalous personality was a primary cause of Frankenstein's birth. But Mary Shelley was profoundly affected by the weather and by economic circumstances at the time she wrote the book, as well as by her status as the daughter of the world's first real feminist and the leading liberal philosopher of the times. Given the various factors of social pressure, her family's neurotic idealism, and the presence of two genius poets, one a major star and the other an unknown who is destined to become one of history's most well-known artists after dying dramatically a few years after Frankenstein's publication.
Click here to read the first draft of Sean's story.

A Son Remembers His Father
120 pages. A riotous tale about an improbable childhood spent hiding from the CIA and his mother. Absorbing the odd life lessons from his charismatic father Skipper, Blue paints a picture of a unique upbringing and its influence on his singular life.
Part of the book can be heard as an audiobook by clicking on this link.

Kyla Cole & Me
The test eBook is already up on Amazon and being prepped to go on sale for Kindle readers. The first in a series is "In Zipolite & the City of Women," and includes 30 photographs of Kyla Cole in the magical nude beaches of Oaxaca's Pacific Coast. There are 12 eBooks planned, including portraits taken in the Arctic, Amsterdam, Extremadura, Oaxaca, the Mayan lands, Belize & Caye Caulker, and the Riviera. When the eBook is ready for sale, a link will be posted here!

Assassin 62, a comic book
Produced & Directed by Seanie Blue and gorgeously shot by Tanker Gogh, "Assassin 62" is part of the Charlie Tana graphic novel series starring Kyla Cole, the Internet's first huge pin-up star. Both Blue and Gogh grew up in Europe with news-ink serial thrillers illustrated with photographs, and both have wondered why these never reached the U.S. marketplace. After years of resting comfortably in a closet, the project is now being dragged out into the public for the first time. Click here to see some of the first test layouts of the comic book.
Lavon Jackson is the Associate Producer of this project, due by Christmas.

Romance 101: Sharon & Steve (& Me)
You have to learn it the hard way. Blue was 17, she was 28. For four years, they played house and conquest while her husband went in and out of Federal prison. Click here to read an excerpt.

STORY: My Secret Nicaragua
A week in Central America's most unusual country yields a bonanza for a writer, and Blue has traveled to take pictures and take video but principally to listen to the people emerging with a brand-new country. "The ambitions and moralities of these people mean they will never be groveling at the door of the United States looking for work, no mater how impoverished their country," he says, "And make no mistake, the country is poor." CLICK HERE to read his story.

Heartbreak & the Aurora Borealis
Excerpt coming soon!

Written on Bleecker Street at the turn of the century, Frogtown surprised Blue by writing itself. The final twists in the story were not elements he had foreseen, and the last few days of writing were a shock to his methods. What is excerpted here is a very short scene from the cinematic treatment of Frogtown, and Blue plans to have a thin paperback in print from Blurb by Christmas of 2014. Read the excerpt here.

the novel . . .
An acclaimed musical by Peter Fox and Seanie Blue, the Black Hole Buddha also became a novel (and screenplay) called "Betaville" as Fox and Blue tried to figure out any angle to raise cash for their one-time stage production in 1996. The critics loved the music and the story and the performance, but in the middle of it all Fox and Blue went their separate ways, Fox to India to study the sitar, and Blue into his own little world. Click here for the police report by Detective Fassbinder that provides a glimpse into the story.

Killing Mr. Westhamson
Blue was in Reykjavik when the financial crisis exploded in late 2008. His response to hanging out with the inflammatory photographer (and Viking) Ingo Juliusson was to write this story, Killing Mr. Westhamson. Before his death last year, Juliusson called often to pester Blue into translated the story into Icelandic. Here is an excerpt, in English.

My Adventures in House Renovation
Coming September 15.

Anxious Mountain
In the year 2000, Seanie Blue traveled with a group of friends to the Himalayas, where he had fled 16 years before at the death of his father. He wanted to retrace the steps of that enormous six-month sojourn around India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and this second voyage would take him overland from Varanasi, the ancient city on the Ganges, to Lumbini in the Terai, where Buddha was born and abandoned his own son, to the Annapurna Sanctuary high in the Himalayas. Click here to read the excerpt.