Our Very Own Comet Leaves Our Sky

Mary Shelley famously descrbed herself as being born with the good auspices of a passing comet in 1798. We’ve been lucky to have a comet of our own, a parallel spirit to Mary in the form of Caitie Belle Yevoli, a ballerina who has blossomed into a poet and stellar personality of her own. She left town suddenly after being hit with the virus and re-surfaced in LAX, where she will be a magnet for other fantastic projects.
For a year she was our very own Mary Shelley, the same age as the novelist when she wrote “Frankenstein.” The first day she worked at the North Park studio, she was pulling weeds from the parking lot. “The cops next door asked Sean who the leggy young woman was out in the 90-degree heat,” remembers Sandra, “And Sean said she was a top ballerina, and that she was out there pulling weeds because nobody else in our neighborhood would think to use a ballerina for landscaping, and the cops just laughed and shook their heads, and must have wondered more what crazy shot was happening next door.”
with Daniel Donnelly’s monster
Caite Belle graced several music videos from the Frankenstein project, and gave life to our Mary Shelley character in stills, voice and dance. “The entire project evolved with Caitie Belle in mind, because we constructed each song to have room for a dancer as its main performer,” said Sean. “The solos you normally get in a song aren’t necessarily composed for a dancer as much as they are for a guitarist or a piano player, but in our case every single song had to have some kind of dance interpretation, so the viewer could be given license to dance themselves, following in the steps of a lifelong professional. But she’s not just a dancer, and that’s the critical thing. She thinks. That was he most important contribution to our musical images.”
Here’s Caitie Belle in the intro video to our musical, in the role of Mary Shelley:
We’re gonna miss her. She’s left us some fantastic images, so they’ll keep her spirit alive in our musical as we try to reach our goal of 25+ songs. Caitie Belle was a force that kept us going forward, and our momentum won’t slow down now!
And another amazing shot, this time edited in infrared: